My People

My insides they ache,

Like a quick stab of a blade,

And I feel it

As it stretches

From my gut

To the pathways

Of my tears as they pour,

Just one day more,

Waiting and hoping,

Longing and missing

My people.

It’s like a hole

Or a chasm,

It’s ever expanding,

Wider and wider,

Farther and longer,

Till next time,

Till later…

Will it ever feel better?

Or will it only get harder

To say someday to

My people.

Like a thief in the night,

The memories steal through my mind,

Of fierce friends and those times

Worth a heart thump

And a murmur

Of contentedness

And wonder

At the blessing

Of big skies

And soul brothers and sisters:

My people.

And like the rhythm,

Like rhyme,

They come back fresh

In my mind,

So familiar, yet far,

Like a memory

Torn apart,

Never meant to be fractured,

Always cherished,

Held precious –

My people.

Their lives they roll on,

I’m the one that’s lost

On the waves

And the wreck

Of good days far spent.

You’ll blink and they’re gone;

You’ll turn, you’ve forgot.

To recover at any cost,

That’s the mission,

Find what’s gone:

My people.

Bring me back,

Pull me in,

Remind me I’m your kin.

I’m your people

And you are mine;

Do whatever you can to find

The wanderer and the stranger,

The hurt and the forsaken.

Never doubt they need a friend,

A person they can call

My people.

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